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Marketing of ICI Dulux paints and emulsions

PAINT A chemical oriented liquid used to protect and decorate different kind of surfaces. Paint industry can be divided into two sectors. ●      Organized sector ●      Mushroom sector ORGANIZED SECTOR It includes the companies listed in the stock exchange or the firms registered, having planned promotional activities with relatively high prices. They fall under the capacity tax system and distribute in more than one province. MUSHROOM SECTOR It includes the unregistered firms, having city based distribution with seasonal brands, having lower prices with no planned promotional activities. They fall under the fixed tax system. COMPANIES LISTED IN THE STOCK EXCHANGE ARE ·          Dulux ICI ·          Berger paints Pakistan Limited. ·          Buxly paints ·          Kausar paints. Dulux and Berger are the two competitive companies out of these listed companies. This is because these two companies have the higher number of brands which are competitively positioned against one another.
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School Information Management System

Objective: The purpose of this management system described in this document is to help streamline the process of tracking students in school and all of the information relevant to their enrollment in the school. This information has historically been stored in Excel spreadsheets making it very hard to manage and compile into meaningful reports. This document describes in detail the functionality of said software and its development. Advantages of Information Management Systems The following are some of the benefits that can be attained for different types of information management systems. 1.       The company is able to highlight their strength and weaknesses due to the presence of revenue reports, employee performance records etc. The identification of these aspects can help the company to improve their business processes and operations. 2.       The availability of the customer data and feedback can help the company to align their business processes according to the needs o

Customer relationship Management Of McDonald

McDonald's is the world's number 1 fast-food company by sales, with about 32,000 restaurants serving burgers and fries in about 120 countries. (There are nearly 14,000 Golden Arches locations in the US.) The popular chain is well-known for its Big Macs, Quarter Pounders, and Chicken McNuggets. Most of its outlets are free-standing units, but McDonald's also has many units located in airports and retail areas. TABLE OF CONTENTS Choice of the organization      5 Introduction    5 McDonald’s history    6 Vision of McDonalds             7 Mission statement of McDonalds       7 Departments of the organization:       8 Products          8 Competitors    9 Customer relationship management   (CRM) 10 Goals of CRM            11 Hierarchical structure of our organization      12 Important management discipline in McDonalds       13 McDonald’s corporation customer success story        13 Business issue:            13 Solution and results:   14 Product consistency    14 Act l